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HEMIC Workers' Compensation

HEMIC's Nurse Triage Program

Improving Medical Outcomes with a Nurse Triage Program

HEMIC is pleased to offer a Nurse Triage Program free-of-charge to our policyholders and available 24/7. The first moments when an employee is hurt on the job are critical, but not every employee or manager knows what to do. Having the immediate support of a triage nurse can make a difference in the outcome, with positive impacts for both the injured worker and the employer.  

The triage nurse:  

  • Draws on triage algorithms, evidence-based protocols and professional expertise to provide quality guidance for the injured worker  
  • Offers medical expertise, clinical experience and critical thinking to assess the work-related injury and recommend the appropriate level of care  
  • Makes recommendations for next steps whether that’s first aid, an occupational clinic, a physician visit, urgent care or the emergency room 
  • Assists in completing and filing the Employer’s Report of Injury 

Using the Nurse Triage Program can help to better manage medical care and improve medical outcomes by preventing delays in treatment and ensuring quality care. It can also decrease unnecessary costs and result in less time away from work and on temporary disability.  

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